This was the first onform I entered, I really like the challenge of it and the fact it changes weekly. the weekly change in theme means you're constantly forced to engage in new challenges under smaller time pressures so you have to think about what you make carefully.
When first looking at the challenge I noticed it was jsut illustrations being entered however since tumblr uses a lot of gifs and I'm an animator I thought it would be good if I could make my entrys animated.
There response was yes to making animated entrees I just had to make sure I stuck to the rules of submission. I knew animating the shape would be hard if it could not move however I noticed in the rules it only said it cant be rotated of scaled but said nothing about lateral movement. This opened up a lot more options for animating.
I wanted to experiment with pencil/natural style effects in photoshop I
tested a few new brushes I found online. The one I found for this I felt
was the best out of the ones I'd downloaded it created a nice effect. I started this onform by drawing out the shape in a sketch book so I could do some rough sketches of ideas. I settled on the one below quite quickly and moved onto making it.
I was very pleased with the final outcome of this entry, I wanted to use this task to experiment a bit and I feel I've tried some new texturing techniques. It was one of the first gifs submitted to onform and was quite popular on the blog.
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