Thursday, 9 February 2017

story refinement

After the pitch I started to refine the story of my animation. The Main thing I was focusing on was adding ore conflict. The story was about a really thirsty character trying to get a drink so I thought it would be best for another character that was the polar opposite from the main character in personality to steal some water to force a chase which would form the A to B narrative.
Once I got a rough idea of what character I was adding to create conflict I started doing flow charts of the story. I was plotting key events I wanted to take place it the narrative and slowly added bits. I kept going through this process until I had a full linear narrative.
Once I had finished this I went to see Max one of my peers who I felt it good at writing narratives and comedy. We went through the story together to add or remove gags think about timing and also come up with the final resolution gag. This was a really beneficial process as even just saying ideas alud helped them to flourish.

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