Saturday, 11 October 2014

Old Boy story board

This is a storyboard from Chan-wook Park's Old Boy a thriller from 2003. This storyboard compared to a few of the others I have looked at has a much messier and harder to follow style to it however in context to the corresponding scene in the film it makes perfect sense. This action sequence in the film is one man fighting his way through a group with a hammer, its a very intense scene but also has a messiness to it that conveys the sheer madness/rage of the main character. The storyboard indicates this really well also. After drawing this conclusion it made me fully realise the importance of the style/feel of a storyboard. Getting the right style/feel you want in your film must come through in the storyboard so everyone who is working on it can not only get the technical aspects you want (shots/transitions etc)  but also the right personal touches from everyone that are harder to command verbally or via text that can make a film great.

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