Monday, 27 October 2014

pixilation: finished film

Making a pixilation or film for that matter was a completely new experience and was a lot more challenging than i had anticipated. I tried to story board the film as best as I could so I knew exactly how I wanted each shot to look before shooting however setting up each shot took a lot longer than I thought it would. The hardest part I found during this short project was directing actors whilst filming, whilst story boards do show the basic movements/positions they need to do there were many smaller details I needed to get across to them. This was the first time I had to direct people acting, I found it difficult to remember all the points that were important to tell the actors whilst I was also trying to get the shot i wanted. I feel the next time I do something that requires acting again it would be good to note down all the important aspects of the shoot for both mine and the actors reference. I would also try and do more rehearsals of the film before shooting as I rushed into filming far too quickly. I also feel that I should take more time doing my pixilation for some of the motion shots I did not make the actor move a little then take a frame and repeat the process I would take a few continuous shots whilst the actor moved slowly. Doing this in parts of the film detracts from the quality of the pixilation and does not fit the style.
After filming I had to edit the footage which was also completely new. We'd been given a brief tutorial on how to use after effects however the methods used did not work effectively with my film as it was not one continuous film there were multiple takes of scenes in different places. Fortunately our creative in residence was at hand to help me edit he showed me how to use the basics of adobe: premiere which is editing software rather than post production software (after effects). Using premiere I was able to use the razor blade tool to cut up sections of my film to loop sections I wanted to be longer and remove sections of film that were bad takes. Premiere and other editing software is something I definitely want to work on further as my film was greatly improved with simple editing I'm sure in the future it could make a big difference to my work.

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