Sunday, 15 February 2015

making a truck in maya (refuse to use the pun)

 Today we learnt the basics of modelling in maya. This was the first time I'd used maya or any 3D modelling software of any kind so I learned a lot. At first I found maya incredibly difficult as I've only really used adobe software and it is very different. After some time and practice it got a lot easier at first frustration caused me to dislike the process but at the end of the session I started to enjoy it a lot more. We learned how to properly set up a maya document then create, transform and edit shapes into a finished object. At the end of this session we were shown materials/textures so I had a play around with those to see what rendered effects they'd give. These were the two final images created from it. The bottom one was me playing around with the glow settings in the ocean texture.

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