Monday, 18 May 2015

creating a church

After creating a house in after effects in 3D I moved onto the slightly more challenging creating the top half of a church. I  figured after create the house with relative ease the church would not be too hard to make. This was unfortunately not the case and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Creating the 2D assets was fine however putting them together was a lot more difficult. Because i wasn't just moving on the triangles on one axis like putting together a cube it meant rotating very difficult. I realised you were unable to rotate the actual anchor point its self so once you rotate (or orientate) 45° in one direction you are unable to do the same on a different axis. After hours trying to figure out how to move the triangles together I had to move the anchor point so it was right at the bottom then I used the rotate tool on the axis I wanted to move the triangles into place. Like a lot of problems I've had to face in after effects its mainly been down to not knowing how to do a certain process which is the same for this. The building of the 3D structure is relatively simple and if I did it again I could probably do so in 5 minuets but first time round took a lot longer.

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