Monday, 3 April 2017

further background work

Once I had established the overall look of the backgrounds (colour palette, line thickness, texturing) to all fit together I created a list of all the background that would be needed for the whole animation.

I started with one background from each main location (e.g desert, cave, house) so I could define the palette of these locations as well as make sure they all work in succession. It was important to me that the backgrounds didn't just look nice but really help to tell the story. For the house it was really important that it really helped layout who the main character was (messy, crusty, lazy) and the other parts of the story were reinforced particularly the mood. I did this through colour and added details

I really enjoyed working on the backgrounds for this animation here are a few examples:

The inside of the house are the only backgrounds that have texture to make it look really gross and messy.

It was important that the backgrounds it the desert were really bright to contrast the house. It was a challenge to make these backgrounds simple but also keep them interesting.

The cave backgorunds are all fairly dark, always with directional lighting to reinforce that all the light comes from the middle were all the creatures lurk. I wanted the cave to feel a little creepy and uncomfortable as well since the character doesn't like being there so the colours I chose should reflect that. 

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