Tuesday, 24 November 2015

making a skeleton and controllers

The next stage on building the demo character was creating controllers and a skeleton. This was a very simple step compared to the others and seemed entirely logic based. All you needed to do was think about how parts of the body were going to move and then apply that to which joints you needed to put in. The controllers were the same just needed to look at the joints and created controllers that made sense so. The main note I took from creating the controllers was making them clear was a priority. Its important the controllers are obvious shapes/functions so when someone else comes to animated your character they can easily understand its layout. A badly configured character will slow down the whole project because two people will be slow animating the bad rig.

The part that I found a lot harder was orienting the controllers. The part I found difficult about this was its a lot less obvious if you have oriented a control. I did not do it very systematically so I did forget to do a couple which cause some problems later on. It was a simple fix but cost me quite a lot of time due to bad organisation. connecting the controllers similar to making the controllers was very logic based. It just required thought of how the joint needs to be moved/controller to merit which constraint you used on it.

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