Tuesday, 1 March 2016

applied: animatic

Once the thumbnails had been created Lauren and Wing created the final rendered storyboards. I asked for them to be done digitally because it would make the creation of the animatic a lot easier and allowed a lot more control with the animatic. Before I could start making the animatic it was important that I had some timing reference, so we all did some recordings of our script so I had something to work from. We each did one of the stories from our script which I then worked from. It was important to work from a sound track as we needed the visual storytelling to move at the same speed as the narration. An important part of the animatic that I wanted to get across was our use of transitions. We wanted to add some character to the line in the animation which would flow between scenes in interesting ways and this was hard to get across in the storyboards so I used masks and the effect stroke to show these transitions in the animatic.

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