Saturday, 26 March 2016

responsive: dissecting the MSC brief

During our first collaborative responsive meeting we knew it was important to know what we actually needed to do to fulfill the MSC brief. We went through the brief thoroughly and found keywords that needed addressing in our brief. The main points we picked out was that the video created needed to positive (they were very adamant to not have anything negative) and that the video needed to be around 30 seconds. Our target audience was fortunately laid out for us they had a specific group of people they wanted the video aimed at. They were dubbed "the aspirationals" who are 18-25 year olds who are conscious consumers. These people are drawn to new things based on how they look but also if they are more considerate (for example; fair-trade or better for the environment). This was a great help that we were given such a specific target audience as it allowed us to narrow our scope on what we were going to do with our 30 seconds.

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