Thursday, 4 May 2017

live action sequence

Part of my film is a hybrid of live action and animation. Fortunately I've used this process a few times so I knew what would work in this scenario in terms of compositing. I decided to make life much easier to make sure all the shots of the main character were either mid shots or over the shoulder so I wouldn't need to ground them.

When it came to filming I wanted it all to be as easy as possible and then sort out everything else in post so I could get nice clean recordings and focus on directing. These scene involves two guys on a sofa outside who are made to seem like godly figures. From past projects I new the after effects plugin trapcode: Lux would be great to get this effect and also playing with the colours of the scene I could create a somewhat dreamlike feel to the scene.

Filming on the day was met with a few challenges most of which were to do with the location. I was filming outside so the hardest thing was recording the sound. I was using an external sound recorder but it was a particularly windy day and hyde park is a particularly noisy part of Leeds. FortunatelyOllie came up with a good solution for the wind by suggesting I use some kind of barrier to protect me so I lined up all the wheely bins by the location to create a barrier which allowed me to get nice clean audio.
I was happy with the final recordings and got a lot of similar takes to make sure. Some feedback said I should dial back the shine in the final version and use some other techniques to create an angelic appearance so the footage is a bit more clear. I plan to do this but still want to keep it very dream like/ridiculous.

Camera test checking good angles from the shot

Style frame

Wheel-y hard work

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