Sunday, 7 May 2017

Seeing footage on the big screen

We all submitted our films in progress to have them projected in the lecture hall. This was a great opportunity to see how my film looked on the big screen. Other that a few informal crits in the studio I hadn’t really taken the time to watch my progress in this context. It was great to see my film  on a proper screen and since it was projected so big you couldn’t hide any mistakes. One big thing I leant were my audio levels on my sound design were completely wrong everything was far too quite so I'll need to revisit my levels. A talk from Steve reinforced how important sound is for film and said often a down fall of a student film is the sound. 

After this crit I asked Steve for further feedback as he curates manchester animation festival his insight is one of the best since I want to submit my film to festivals. The feedback was very positive which was great other than removing a gag involving the animators survival kit which I have amended and to sort out the foley. 

This crit also did reinforce how much more I needed to do on the film for the final submission but I will just pick up the pace on it.

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