Thursday, 3 December 2015

Playblast edit 2

After we'd fixed all the issues brought up from the first play blast edit we made another one this time I made sure to get feedback from matt and some classmates. This was incredibly beneficial and was some of the most useful feedback we'd gotten over the course of the entire project. There were a few issues that I wouldn't have noticed or had been looking at too long that they went over my head. 
The problems that were pointed out which I fixed were: Making the anticipation movement better on the worms jump, added more of a rebound to the spider after it falls on its web, some camera shots were off centre. The biggest issue was camera movement throughout the animation.
Although before this animation I thought I needed to use more in my animation a lot of the movements were unnecessary and made it hard to follow. It became clear that framing the shots was the most important part and that if the movement could help the story then it was worth putting in other wise better to leave a static camera.
I spent a bit of extra time fixing the animations matt suggested could do with tweaking and it was definitely worth while.

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