Sunday, 6 December 2015

post production fixes

There were quite a few post productions fixes to be done throughout the animation mainly was cleaning up issues to do with lighting, masking out errors or just adding something that should have been there. We split these fixes up so we both did some of the post production work. Here are some of the examples:

In one scene the tree above the spider was way too dark so had to be lightened. It couldn't be left because the previous shot is very similar but with the correct lighting so this one needed to be corrected. I took a still from the first frame of the previous shot and James gave me a copy of the shot with no spider. I had to carefully mask out the spider pretty much on a frame by frame basis which was very time consuming but I was not aware of any other ways to try fix it. I tried a couple of methods to fix it but this was the only successful one.

In this scene there is supposed to be a string of web. We thought the best solution would be to add it in post and this was definitely the right decision. It was a pretty simple fix I added is using a shape layer with a few points on it. This allowed me to key frame the movement from frame to frame. 
In this scene we'd storyboarded the eyes to close over the camera, again we thought it would be easiest to make this effect in post. I first tried using just mask expansions to create the effect but it was to jarring. I then changed the mask shapes and also the opacity of the comp with them closing which created a much nicer effect. I added multiple eye shapes to make it more obvious that it was the spiders eyes you were looking though. 

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